Thursday, February 27, 2014


Old Testament Edition: Ruth 1:16
Ruth expresses her deep and determined loyalty and love to Naomi. Especially in forsaking the Moabite gods and embracing Jehovah God alone.

New Testament Edition: 2 Corinthians 4:5
It is good to dwell on this boasting! It keeps us humble and focuses us on the right thing.

Old Testament Edition: 1 Samuel 13:14
Consider the seriousness of Saul’s sin and the proceeding judgment of God. Remember and rejoice in the saving power of Christ.

New Testament Edition: Galatians 2:16
To be justified means God says your standing with him is just as if you never sinned and just as if you always obeyed- because of Jesus

Old Testament Edition: 2 Samuel 7:12
The promise to David about his offspring is another prophecy of the coming King- Jesus Christ. The establishment of Jesus kingdom, is a hope held promise for believers today.

New Testament Edition: Ephesians 4:1-3 (2 Weeks)
See the “therefore” at the beginning of the verse?  What is it referring to? Consider the calling of the Christian here. What is the calling mentioned previous to this verse?

Old Testament Edition:  1 Kings 9:3
“Men cannot make a place holy, yet what we, in sincerity, devote to God, we may hope he will graciously accept as his”  Matthew Henry

New Testament Edition: Ephesians 4:1-3 (Second week of two)
What does it mean to be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bonds of peace? Are you eager to have that? Do you pursue that in your everyday living?

Old Testament Edition:  2 Kings 17:22
In the Old Testament narrative, here explains the reason for Israel’s exile. God, with his disciplining hand of judgment, desired their repentance. Have you departed from your life’s sin today?

New Testament Edition Philippians 1:21
This biblical perspective carries a lot of hope about both life and death. Consider the results of living in this truth for your life

Sunday, February 2, 2014



Old Testament Edition: Number 14:22, 23 (Second week of two)

This is the judgment of Israelites who had seen God’s saving power in the exodus of Egypt, yet failed to revere Him as their God through disobedience.



New Testament Edition: Acts 1:8

Evangelism in the early church was to ignore cultural prejudices and national biases. Christ was to be the foundation of the new “holy nation” of God’s elect whom he loves.



Old Testament Edition: Deuteronomy 18:15

Moses himself was a type of Christ. This is another promise of a “new prophet” who the people would listen to


New Testament Edition: Romans 1:16:17

This verse is the theme for the book of Romans. It is the very Gospel truth we need to preach to ourselves everyday.



WEEK 3  

Old Testament Edition: Joshua 24:14

Israel had finally possessed the promised land.  The Israelites were reminded of God’s faithfulness. In view of this, Israel was exhorted to worship, serve and obey God alone!


New Testament Edition: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (2 weeks)

“But we cannot hope to sow to the flesh, and reap everlasting life. They are reminded what a change the gospel and grace of God had made in them.”  Matthew Henry



Old Testament Edition:  Judges 17:6

This verse summarizes the book of Judges well. And humanity when it rejects God.


New Testament Edition: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (Second week of two)

“The design of the Apostle, however, is to humble them, by calling to their remembrance their former condition; and, farther, to stir them up to acknowledge the grace of God towards them. “ John Calvin