Thursday, September 25, 2014


Old Testament:Micah 6:8

Think of this verse with Christ in it: Christ has told us what is good, Christ tell us what is required, Christ showed us justice, loving kindness and Christ walked humble with the Father.

New Testament Jude 1:21-23 (3rd of 3 weeks)

To hate even the garment means to hate even the most remote contact with sin. Are you developing a Love For God and a Hatred for Sin?

Week 2
Old Testament Nahum 1:3

The prophet grounds his description of the majesty and might of God upon the revelation at the Exodus and at Sinai. (see Exodus 19:16-18; Psalm 18; Psalm 97.) Think on how this should affect your heart, motives and work.

New Testament Revelation 1:7

Have your thoughts dwell on this verse and the picture of what will happen here.  Think: “If every eye will see, what will every heart do, think or feel?” What will your heart do, think or feel? What is it were to happen today?

Old Testament Haggai 1:4-5
When this verse says “consider your ways” it says to set your heart to dwell on the  question: Has your selfish ways gained you anything in what God has called you to sacrifice?

New Testament: Congratulations! Your Dwelling on the Word elective is finished. We encourage you to pick up the New City Catechism for your continue memory work.


Old Testament: Zechariah 8:3

Dwell on the truth that God purposed that an unfaithful city, like Jerusalem, he established their reputation to be faithful. He forgives, redeems and renews. He does that with His people today. Think about how he does that today in your life, believer in Christ.

New Testament: Congratulations! Your Dwelling on the Word elective is finished. We encourage you to pick up the New City Catechism for your continue memory work.